Monday, January 4, 2010

the best mail day ever

sometimes when the stars line up just right, the wind shifts and become the winds of fortune this happens. it is rare. i came home from a harried trip to the store and my sweet husband had all these packages lined up on the table for me....he said....this looks like it could be good.

i grabbed them like a spoiled child and ran down the stairs to the basement..i.e. my sewing room. do you ever get nervous opening a package with a pair of scissors?

it was better than, birthday, name it. the dog was concerned over the noises i was making.

hope valley....the entire line, the flea market fancy i have been working so hard to find and obtain, sweet little minny muu that i now adore, my new obsession gee's bend and the books i have been eyeballing and fingering for months......all came IN ONE DAY.

i am a very fortunate many ways. i hate being materialistic and i have posted about a lot ot things, love of life, appreciation for the perfect husband, family, grandchild....but today...i am going internal on you and saying this is one of the best days i have ever had.....*guilt*


  1. WOW..... I thought this was a photo of your stash... not a mail day .... You lucky lucky girl !!!!

  2. yummy fabric and adorable new year's pic...warm fuzzies from my sewing room to yours...cheers!
    aMuse boutique


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