Tuesday, December 8, 2009


if you know me personally you know if you talk to me i now speak in munki. i clip tiny pieces of fabric and basically "deal" them online with other people that speak munki as well...

it is an illness....an intense fascination of themes and drawings that depict childhood in all its innocence. the tiny pieces of fabric contain something that we munkites can relate to. something deep down. we can only thank heather ross for bringing these images alive in our imaginations and onto fabric where we will weave them into something wonderful for ourselves or our children and grandchildren.

i have paid enormous amounts of mula for pieces of these fabrics...i keep them in airtight boxes with snap lids so nothing can get them and yes......i have a fireplan.

i wanted to blog about one more thing....a GIVEAWAY....from http:/www.sayyesjuliet.blogspot.com. she is an adorabable girl that i met while "dealing" fabric on the internet. so if you want to know what all the hubbub is about go to her site...enter to win and maybe YOU will know the madness we call munki......

love, me

oh, by the way i have not been blogging as i have been "dealing" and more importantly...making quilts for my loved ones. i would love to blog about them but then "they" and you know who you are would see your christmas present and we can't have that now....can we?
look out! it is juliets giveaway!!!! can you resist.....no.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on Juliet's giveaway.. I have allready entered :-) even though I have not totally been overwhelmed by the Munki bug... it's pulling on my sleeve...

    I think "they" are very lucky you are sewing so hard over quilts for christmas...!! All i can say is best of luck and happy sewing!

  2. BAH!!! As soon as you saw I blogged I got excited so your ending line was perfect! Boo. :)


You are all dear to me and every message means so much. I really take these to heart...good and bad, so fire away! I need your input!